Saturday, July 23, 2016

A little further down the Road

Let me apologize first as I have not kept this blog going. There are a variety of excuses, including health and time issues, but ultimately, I am at fault.

We have continued to build the business, but finding merchandise appears to be our biggest hurdle. Our wholesaler has hinted at higher prices and, worst of all, that he might be out of our best sellers. Trying to crack the wholesale and return(s) market has been challenging. I have found several sites that sell pallet lots of returned and salvage merchandise, but it's all mixed merchandise. I just want to buy a pallet or lot of returned/salvage drones. Our sales have continued to grow and we are averaging roughly a dozen units a weekend. I also have placed some inventory on E Bay. My latest endeavor has been to improve our appearance by adding a banner and acquiring shirts. Although folks are essentially buying drones from the back of my car, it doesn't mean we can't look professional doing it. Plus, if it enhances the customer's experience and gives them a sense of security, it's a win win. Here's the banner in our flea market space. I promise to update more frequently in the future.

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